Wednesday 7 August 2013

7 Day Diet Plan: Fast Your Way to Weight Loss

Ever heard the saying, "If you fail to plan then you plan to fail?" There is some truth to this mantra. Most people fail on diets because of several reasons but the most common ones are:
  • Diets don't allow certain foods the dieter likes therefore the dieter is doomed from the start.
  • Most dieters fail to plan their meals in advance and fall prey to random food choices.
  • Poor will power
Is there any way around the above scenarios? Of course there is but few if any know the options which exist for them to enjoy foods they love and still lose weight. There's an easy way to do this by following a 7 day diet plan. Here is a plan to help fulfill the goal to become thinner by using intermittent fasting (IF.) Fasting is a way to eat the foods you love but still catapult significant weight loss. The first day of the plan begins Sunday evening since you will stop eating at 6 or 7 p.m. until the following day at the same time. Optionally, you can start the fast at breakfast time and resume eating at breakfast the next day. IF is versatile and you can tailor it to fit your needs.
Follow these guidelines for optimal weight loss success:
This is usually a work day for most unless there is a holiday. Prepare to fast today! Have the morning coffee (or tea) but don't put sugar in it as sugar raises blood sugar levels and will undo the fast. A good alternative to sugar if the coffee has to be sweet is stevia. Stevia is a natural sweetener which doesn't raise blood sugar levels. Cream in coffee is fine as long as there is no sugar in it. Coffee is a great appetite suppressant. Fast all day until 6 or 7pm then eat. It may be a struggle when first starting but eventually it'll become easy. Break the fast with something light to eat like a salad. It won't take much to fill you as the stomach tends to shrink from not eating all day. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This is the key to fasting and helps you from succumbing to the munchies.
Go back to the normal eating routine today. If three meals are eaten, then continue to do this or whatever the normal routine is. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and to have an adequate amount of protein with the meal. In fact, keep protein intake levels high in relation to carbohydrates. Drink water! Once again, your evening meal will be your last until the same time the following day.
Today is your second (and final) fasting day of the week. Remember to drink coffee or tea and plenty of water until the IF is broken later this evening.
Back to the regular routine. Eat regular meals consisting of mostly protein and reduced carbohydrates. Feel like a light dessert? Have it! Fasting has decreased your caloric intake so there are calories to spare. What a fantastic benefit of IF!
This is fun day. Maybe two fasts were done without any dessert this week and it's time for a pizza or burger and fries? You've fasted all week and have some calories in the bank and can enjoy these guilt free! Go right ahead but don't over do it.
Continue eating healthy foods which include vegetables, fruits, and lean cuts of protein such as fish, chicken, or beef. Always remember to consume more protein than carbs.
Its pretty laid back today and maybe dinner out with the family or watching the game is the plan. It's cool to have a few chips and some extras but know your limit...everything in moderation. Eat sensible meals or even a small cheat meal and start the fast again Monday.
Intermittent fasting is a great way to become thinner without giving up all the foods you love. It also has a variety of other health benefits including a natural way to increase the caloric deficit to promote weight loss. Use intermittent fasting in as your 7 day diet plan to create a slimmer you.

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